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How I have enjoyed writing about Literature?

Over the last semester I have enjoyed writing about Literature. I have always enjoyed discussing Literature pieces but the ones we have worked on this semester were especially enjoyable. My favorite piece was the Great Gatsby which is one of my favorite books. Lastly, writing about literature allowed me the chance to improve my writing skills for future use. 

Dear 13-year-old Me

This is the year everything will change in your life. Last year you were in 7th grade and everything was easy and comfortable. Your small town of Bogalusa may seem quite big right now but soon it will seem like the smallest thing in the world. It has come time to move on and step out of your comfort zone. High school is a whole new world with new people and experiences, do not be afraid to reach out and show them who you are. Starting high school, I know is the scariest time in your life thus far. I know you do not have any friends yet and you are feeling hopeless about your future. Do not beat yourself down, you will find your way through this time. Forget about your best friend, she does not appreciate you and you are better than she knows. Forget about your brother constantly bringing you down and trying to pressure you to be the person he was in high school. Lastly, forget about your assumptions of the people around you, everyone there feels the same way you feel right now. Someday, you will regret the risks you didn’t take and the choices you wished you made, so take this time to bask in all the adventures you encounter. You are a strong and independent person and you know the right decisions you need to make. On the first day of school, you will meet a quiet girl sitting next to you in religion class. That first awkward conversion is going to be the start of a friendship that will shape your character for years to come. Be patient and find the people who will stick by you through thick and thin. Stop worrying about the friends you want to make and the person you wish you were. Your friendships will come naturally, and you will grow into the person you are meant to be, don’t worry about your future. Do not take high school for granted, this is the time that will carry you through your adult years. Take this time and work as hard as you can on your schoolwork because it won’t always be that easy. Don’t be afraid to try new things, join clubs, and meet new people. Never doubt yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to and no one can tell you otherwise. Lastly, never forget that you are beautiful, some days may be harder than others to recognize it, but it is always there. A couple years down the road, you are going to be a completely different person. This year is going to be tough but just remember that it always gets better and to stay positive throughout it all. One day you will look back on this year and reminisce about the silly things you were worried about as a thirteen-year-old girl and laugh. Use this time and cherish it because before you know it, the year will be over, and you will be moving on to the next. 

What are my thoughts about the blog?

Writing in a blog has been a very different type of experience then I have done in my past English classes. One thing I liked about the blog was being able to freely write without intently thinking about everything I wrote. A dislike about the blog would be the difficulty of working with the website. 

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