About Me

A little about Me!!

Hello, my name is Mary Margaret Hayden! I am from Covington, Louisiana, which is right outside of New Orleans. You could say that growing up in New Orleans was a very interesting experience to say the least. The culture of the city of New Orleans is very unlike any other place I have visited. Although I loved the life I lead in Louisiana, I wanted to try new things and meet new people. Wishing to branch out of my comfort zone, I decided to go to the University of Alabama. Although a new world of college can be quite scary at times, I became committed to trying new experiences. At Alabama I chose to major in biology, and I am hoping to continue on to medical school one day. Even though getting into medical school is very challenging, I am determined to achieve my goal. When I am not studying, I thoroughly enjoy cooking, especially when surrounded by friends and family. Cooking gives me a chance to relax and spend time with the people I care about.  I especially enjoy cooking seafood dishes.  Jambalaya, gumbo, and blackened red snapper are my three favorite dishes.  I love to prepare these meals for my friends that are not from south Louisiana because sometimes they have never had seafood dishes prepared in this way.  Another hobby I am interested in is shopping, which is more of an addiction than a hobby. Living close to New Orleans allowed my friends and I to go shopping together very frequently. Almost every weekend, we ventured to the French Quarter and spent hours shopping the local boutiques, walking the artistic streets, and breathing in the delicious scent of Café du Monde beignets. Mardi Gras is one of the most unique holidays in the United States, and New Orleans is at the top of the list for tourists seeking the opportunity to experience the colorful floats, brilliant street performers, and roaring bands of the various parades. The endless nights in New Orleans are amazing but mean so much more when shared with friends and family. My friends and family mean the most to me in my life because they have contributed to the person that I am today.  My family continues to inspire me to achieve my goals and not to give up even when things are difficult. On the other hand, my friends allow me the chance to escape from the hard things in life and enjoy things like dinner at nice restaurants, coffee shop dates, and even simply having a movie night in my dorm with my roommate. Throughout my life I have been given the opportunity to continuously grow as a person through my many mistakes, exciting endeavors, and the special people in my life. I still have many more memories to make, adventures to experience, and friends to get to know that will give me the possibility to continue to grow as a person. It is exciting to know the endless possibilities my future has to offer. 

Bob Sprints to Class

Bob sprints to class. When Bob woke up this morning, he immediately realized he had overslept. Bob scrambles out of bed, quickly gets dressed, and heads out of the door. He decided to take his bike since he was already late but quickly realizes his bike had been stolen. Time continues to pass, and Bob becomes even later for class, so he decides to sprint to class. A couple minutes later, Bob arrives to the building, speeds up the stairs and goes into his classroom. Once he is in the classroom, he realizes that none of the other students are there. In that moment it dawns on him, class had been canceled for the day and he had in fact not overslept. 

My TV Addiction

My worst addiction is watch television. I can spend hours on end staring at a television or a computer screen. The tv shows or movies allow me to escape my life and step into someone else’s life. My addiction is a way for me to distract myself from anything wrong going on in my life. 

Who plays me in the movie?

The actress I would choose to portray me in a movie would be Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence is one of my favorite actresses and happens to be blonde as well as me. I believe that she would portray me correctly and add a little extra to my character as she does in most of her movies. 

My Best Friend

My best friend name is Anna, she is someone who I have only known for a short time. I only met her about a year ago but since that time she has become an important person in my life. My best friend is my rock because she encourages me to do my best and set beyond my comfort zone. She has become someone who makes me the better version of myself. 

My 3 wishes for a genie

If I were to receive three wishes from a genie, the first thing I would wish for is a photographic memory. I want to be able to learn everything just by looking at it once. Next, I would wish for me and my friends to live forever without aging, I want to be able to experience generations to come. Lastly, I would wish to be able to have the power of invisibility in order to walk around without anyone knowing.  

My favorite food

As I take a bite, I can feel the different ingredients dancing around on my taste buds. The avocado toast made perfectly without a single error. Each bite holds a new taste that excites me every time. The crunch of the toast and smoothness of the avocado glide down my throat as I finish it off with one last bite. 

What am I doing this fall?

This fall I hope to visit home a few times and see my friends a family but other than that I do not have anything planned. I wish that I could go on vacation during thanksgiving to get away for a couple days. It would be nice to relax and spend time with my family on a trip. Even though I do not get to go on a trip I am very happy with my plans during this fall. 

What am I feeling?

I can feel the warmth of my seat as the cool air blows past my arms. I can hear the small sounds of other students typing on their computers as the cars drive on the road outside of the window. I am touching my own computer keys as I compose each word within this piece. Lastly, I can taste the coffee I am drinking to energize me for the rest of the day. 

What am I doing for Halloween

This year for Halloween I will be visiting my friends who go to LSU. I am supposed to bring a costume to wear but unfortunately, I have not decided what I want to dress up as yet. Other than visiting my friends I will be going home to spend time with my family. 

What am I excited for this Thanksgiving?

During this Thanksgiving break, I am most excited to eat the food we will be served on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving food is only served during this holiday, so it is very exciting that the time has arrived once again. Also, I am excited to be reunited with my friends from back home who I have not been able to see the last couple of weeks. 

Who is my biggest inspiration?

The biggest inspiration in my life would have to be my mom. My mom is one of the strongest people I know and one day I hope to accomplish as much as she has. My mom did not grow up in a very fortune household and worked for everything she has accomplished. The success she has earned without any help makes me want to work even harder to excel in my career. Not only has she been successful in her career but has constantly is able to put her family first. My mom is someone that inspires me and one day I hope to be like when I am older. 

What is the most valuable thing I have learned this semester?

This semester has been one of the hardest academic times in my life. Over the semester I have grown as a student and learned how to better prepare myself for future papers, quizzes, and tests. The most valuable thing I have learned over this semester is how to prioritize different things through time managements. By learning how to handle my time this has allowed me the ability to really focus on my papers and put the time in that I think a paper deserves. Additionally, over this semester I believe that I have greatly improved my writing skills to be able to use them in the future. 

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