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My Character, Ella

My character’s name is Ella. Ella is a 16-year-old girl going through high school at the time. Ella is a very outgoing and friendly person but is not afraid to stand up for herself. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family as much as she can. As a high school student, Ella is on the soccer team for her school. She is very passionate about soccer and hopes to play in college. All of her friends play on the team too, so Ella is especially close to her teammates. High school has been good for Ella so far, but it hasn’t all been easy. Even though Ella is happy, goes to a nice school, and has good friends, her family is dealing with a lot. Ella’s mom has been sick for a while and it has been hard for Ella to stay positive. Although Ella is going through a tough time, she tries to stay positive for her family. Ella has been through a lot in her life and experienced things a child never should go through. Even though she has gone through a lot she still strives to be happy and enjoy her life with all the people around her. 

Blair and Nate’s Love story

“Blair Williams?” the receptionist yelled throughout the impossibly large waiting room. The whole room was dull and wildly intimidating. My palms began to sweat as I slowly stood up and walked into the interviewer’s office. I remember thinking to myself, “this is it; this is your chance to be something.” After years of devotion, it was finally time for all my hard work to mean something. The interview, though extensively long, seemed to go smoothly, but my mind was still not at ease. I had always been confident through my years in law school and never doubted my capabilities until that day. Luckily, later that day I received a call and was given the job! Now a year later, I could never have imagined how much my life could change.

Before I knew it, it was my first day on the job. Although I had lived in New York all my life, on that day the city seemed filled with joy. I was exhilarated to finally be a part of the real world, to be a real lawyer. Once I got to the office, I was given a small, ordinary workspace and my very first case. The case was one of the biggest of the year, involving all of the new lawyers in the firm. At the case meeting, they separated all of the new associates into pairs to work together to help the case move quicker. I had been paired with Nate. I decided to take initiative and go introduce myself to him. When I walked up to him, it was obvious he was attractive, but his flashy clothing and perfectly styled hair made me dislike him instantly. My dislike increased when he opened his mouth and his arrogance came out. However, I decided to ignore my dislike and we made plans to work on the case that night. Later that night after working for hours we hadn’t achieved anything. The only thing we had accomplished was hours of arguing about whose defense idea was better than the others. My dislike for Nate had grown in hate and I could feel my skin heating up as my anger grew. Throughout the following days we continued to work together on the case and slowly our hate for one another slowly started to fade. 

In the following weeks, Nate and I became quite a good team, I would almost consider us partners. Even though we only talked about the case, we would catch ourselves laughing and enjoying working together. Before I knew it, the case was over, and we were no longer partners. Surprisingly, I realized that I missed working with Nate. Although we disliked each other in the beginning, we became friends over the many strenuous weeks of working together. Regardless, I forcefully put my feelings aside and tried to move on with my next case. A few days later, some of us from the office decided to go to dinner and to my surprise Nate asked to come. Nate and I ended up sitting next to each other during dinner. Although we were quiet at first, Nate and I talked the whole night. My heart raced when he asked if he could walk me home. In that moment I realized that Nate was not just a friend but more than that. 

As he began to walk me home, I decided that I was going to tell him about my feelings for him. I ran through the endless possibilities of what his reaction would be, or if he even felt the same way. Out of nowhere, snow began to fall around us, and the air became filled with the constant twinkle of the falling white specks. I was surprised when Nate offered me his coat. My mind began to race as I thought to himself, “What does this mean? Does he have feelings for me too?”  All of a sudden, we were standing in front of my doorway. I turned to him and decided to take the risk. After several minutes of rambling, he stopped me from talking. I held my breath in those few seconds of silence and immediately regretted my decision to reveal my feelings. Suddenly, I could feel the suffocating cold air around me that I was unable to notice before. When I looked back up at him, he was smiling from ear to ear. Before I had the chance to say anything else, he kissed me, and the warmth returned to my body. The rush of emotions was the most intoxicating thing I had ever felt, and I never wanted the moment to end. That was the day I fell for the love of my life.  

Prominent theme in The Great Gatsby

I believe that the most prominent theme so far is the pressure of social class in the 1920’s. During this time period and throughout the first 8 chapters of the book it is evident that all of the characters are defined by the social class they are born into. Gatsby is the most effected by  this because he is constantly making an effort to be accepted into the oldest and most privileged social class. 

Response to The Great Gatsby

Over the book is one of my favorites to read and I enjoy discovering new things about the characters each time. The book has so may symbols and themes throughout it is exciting to take on a different perspective during this read. The characters are well written and make the story feel like the reader is part of the book. 

What I need to work on in Gatsby Paper

After reading other people’s papers I realized that I need to add more quotes and make a better conclusion paragraph. I need to fix my conclusion paragraph in order to fully bring my paper to a close. Another thing I need to add are quotes, I do not have enough quotes to fulfill the requirement at this time and need to add those. 

After finished The Great Gatsby Paper

After finishing the research paper on The Great Gatsby feel relieved and like I did well on the paper as a whole. I think that my strength is the topic I covered and the organization of the paper. A weakness would be the some of the sources I chose, which were sometimes confusing to explain in the paper. 

How was The Great Gatsby Movie?

I loved the movie The Great Gatsby. I had previously seen the movie and liked it before I read the book. After also reading the book for a second time I know that I prefer the book over the movie. The book is slightly better than the movie, although the two pieces are very similar. 

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